Thursday, January 17, 2008

1-17-08: Blanket

Okay...I am back. Life took a turn since I last posted a prompt that left me...well..let's just say I couldn't get my head together. But I am back now and will try to get things online again for writing.
So, to get you going, the word for this week is blanket.
Remember the rules and I look forward to really getting this thing sailing again. Rough waters behind, smooth sailing ahead. Hold course, Cap'n.

1 comment:

Raven said...

A blanket of wildflowers filled the outer edges of the park, wild sprays of vibrant color. Rain had greened the lawns and its softness cushioned her bare feet as she walked along. The book in her bag was whispering at her to find a suitable spot to read. A small crabapple tree with new buds beckoned her near and she set her beach chair under its branches. Headphones in place, she picked up her story and lost herself in the words of the author, unaware of the others in the park. In her way, she was easing back to living.