Thursday, January 24, 2008

01-24-08: Folder

This week's word is folder. Have fun!


Sleepy Jean said...
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Sleepy Jean said...

OK ... this one was inspired by a certain Mr Corso

He turned and ran up the steps into the building, furtively he looked behind him, good … no one was following him, he increased his stride again, up two more flights of stairs and reached his apartment door. The door was ajar, he definitely didn’t leave it that way, someone had been looking for something and he knew just what that something was. He had it right with him in the folder inside his canvas bag, his precious cargo would never leave his side again, not until he had got to the bottom of the conundrum he had been given.

Barbara said...

I think I'll give this a try since I just started a drabble blog. I'll come back with the entry.

Barbara said...

Oops I just wrote it and this would have to be my longest yet so it is well over 100 and actually a bit over 200 so feel free to delete this if you want. Here's the link just in case


Raven said...

Thanks for posting in BG! Interesting piece and holds potential for further development. Although it is long, I'll leave it in asa your first entry, as first and foremost, I want this to inspire. Good on you!

Raven said...

She closed the last file and set it on top of the folder. Another success in the program. Her children were learning the skills they would need for life, and she felt good about that. A rare flash of him jolted her. They used to come all the time, but now, it seemed only when she did good did he creep in. Less often, but with more meaning, and she could handle that. Her friends were at it again, trying to get her to move on. She knew what she had had, and how does one move on from perfection?